Where to go on a trip?

Get to know the ZOO Zlín and the surroundings

In close neighbourhood, you can visitZOO Zlín and the chateau Lešná (the entry is right in front of our Lešná Penzion), castle Lukov (in the direction of Lukov, 2 kilometres from here), chateauHolešov (in the direction of Kroměříž, 15 kilometres from here), chateauKroměříž (25 kilometers), chateu Vizovice (16 kilometers), The museum of southeast Moravia (Zlín 10 kilometers), Tomas Bata Memorial (Zlín 10 kilometers), chateau Zlín, Spa Luhačovice (25 kilometers), castle Malenovice(12 kilometers), Bata canal (in the direction of Otrokovice, 20 kilometres), Svatý Hostýn (15 kilometers) and much more…

You can also use cycle paths in the direction of Zlín and Lukov–Fryšták.

With family

ZOO Zlín

ZOO Zlín is not only the most visited place in Zlín region, but also a very beautiful location for families as well as individuals, who want to spend a day in the nature. Thanks to diverse collection of animals from all over the world, the visitors can meet fascinating animal species. ZOO Zlín emphasises protection of endangered species and educating the public about the importance of protecting the nature. It is a great place for animal and nature lovers, which is at your fingertips from the place of accommodation.

With family

Castle Lukov

Visit of the castle Lukov is a perfect trip for everyone who loves history and atmosphere of old castles. This lovely location is approximately4km from the Lešná Penzion and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape and an opportunity to explore the secrets of history. You can see there how people in the Middle Ages lived.

With family


The city Zlín, with the population of 75 000 residents, is the industrial and business centre of Central Moravia. Important milestone of Zlín’s history is the year 1894 when the famous shoe company of the Baťa family was founded. Thanks to unique growth and prosperity of the company and the influence of Tomáš Baťa,, who was also the mayor of Zlín, Zlín had become modern town centre during the interwar years, excelling in architectural style as well as in pace of life.

With family

Baťa canal

Enjoy beautiful landscapes, sights and relax by the water. Baťa canal is a unique technical work in Zlín region. It was constructed in the 30s under the direction of Tomáš Baťa as a part of industrial infrastructure of the Baťa company. This canal was used to transport materials and goods between towns and factories in Zlín region. These days, the Baťa canal is a popular destination for cyclists, tourists as well as paddlers.

With family

Spa Luhačovice

Visit of Luhačovice is a great experience for both those who are looking for treatment and those who are seeking relaxation in a calm and comfortable environment. Spa Luhačovice offers unique combination of healing springs, relaxation and beautiful nature. This spa is well known for its healing capabilities that help with a number of health problems, including respiratory diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


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