Enjoy the restaurant.


Czech and Italian cuisine

We invite you to our newly modernised restaurant, where the magic of Czech and Italian gastronomic art come together. Each meal from our cooks is being prepared with precision and passion. We use only ingredients of the highest quality and comply with traditional Czech recipes in modern approach.

With the capacity of up to 80 seats, our restaurant is an ideal place for meeting your friends, family celebrations or company events. If you prefer outdoor seating, we offer a sunny terrace with the capacity of up to 60 seats, where you can enjoy the meals in the open air.


Cuisine that gets you

Restaurant in natural style on the first floor of Lešná Penzion is focused on Czech and Italian cuisine. In our cuisine, we use original Italian materials and comply with traditional Czech recipes in modern approach. The restaurant has the capacity of up to 80 seats, it is appropriate also for organising family celebrations, soirées or company events. In the upper part of Lešná Penzion, you can find a sunny terrace with dining tables with the capacity of up to 60 seats.


The magic of flavours and aromas

Our menu is based on modern gastronomy and each ingredient is being precisely chosen and processed in a way so you can fully enjoy your meals.


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